Luhrenloup's Cave



Fear of the Unseen

When you concentrate on the goals before you

you can walk through the fear to the other side.


                                           -- Lakota Spiritualiy

Congress celebrating the 61 billion dollar vote for Ukraine

Sun 4.21.24


I have given some thought to the coming election.  We have four candidates vying for the post of president, the incumbent, Joe Biden, then Donald Trump, and Robert Kennedy.  Then there is always Cornel West who is not a serious candidate, but rather uses the platform to focus on issues that need attention and are generally given short shrift.

I voted for Donald Trump in 2020, and he is really the best candidate at present because he is a business man.  We have to stop ignoring our precarious financial system which will absolutely implode in the coming year or so. As things stand a trip to the supermarket or the gas station is a stressful situation.  What’s more our current president is making the situation much worse with out-of-control spending to shore up his presidential appeal.  He also refuses to seal our southern border which is an unfolding catastrophe.  There is no way we can accommodate these millions of people entering our country; there’s no place to even house them.  In truth, we are not able to accommodate our own citizens because of the wars, the continuing, ongoing wars.  The people in Hawaii were simply abandoned after the horrific fires, as were those who suffered from the train derailment.  We already have 600,000 homeless people in the country that we need to find housing for. Beyond the stupidity of such a move, is it fair to the present inhabitants to unleash this hoard on the People without even asking?

We are not informed about this strange direction our country is taking.  “Illegal aliens” are flown in secretly at night.  We are also not told about all the people dead and dying from the Covid vaccine.  This brings us to candidate Kennedy who was and is dismissed because of all the work he’s done to inform us about what Pfizer is up to.  He’s an honorable man the likes of which we haven’t seen in years running for elected office.

As far as Joe Biden is concerned, just the fact that he doesn’t see there is no way he is capable of another four years in office disqualifies him from serious consideration.

Two viable candidates, but I will not vote for them as neither has spoken up about Israel.  As a subject of the United States of America, I am aware of and identify with others throughout the world subjected to other forms of government.  At present an unfolding horror beyond imagining is occurring in Israel, a genocide of the Palestinian People.  Food and water are denied them, the old, the frail, small children, mothers, are all being killed, their homes destroyed.  This cannot be allowed.  The perpetrators must be brought to justice.  If we, the People, allow this to continue unpunished -- IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Please note who is supporting this genocide.  It is the US, the Europeans and NATO, whose People incidentally are suffering the same bizarre vaccine experiences, having their countries invaded by inappropriate “illegal aliens,” which they are forced to accept.  People being shoved to and fro.  Governments could support the aliens in their own countries but do not.  They want this.

Please note that not a single person in Congress spoke up against the unfolding genocide, except the Palestinian Rashida Tlaib, and she was sanctioned by the rest of them for doing so.  The power games of constant wars and world domination has reached such a pitch that we the People who are paying for this show have become The Abominables to our government.  This has to stop.  I will not take part in the killing of innocent people.  

I have drawn my line, the man or woman who has the courage to address the genocide and initiate action will have my vote.

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Manhattan Seeress  Cover copy.jpg

Eight o'clock Sunday morning, the police arrive at her apartment in Greenwich Village, "How long have you been living here?" The roommate Elizabeth, after having accepted her half of the deposit money and rent for their new apartment, has called the police. 

New York City doesn’t open its arms to welcome her, but she’s arrived and the adventure of her life is about to unfold.  She’s come from Maine with an invitation from Sarah Lawrence College to participate in the graduate writing program.

How one becomes a seeress is what this memoir explores. Stories have been specifically selected to illustrate, from the sublime to the practical, a spiritual journey introduced in each chapter by an atout, the Tarot’s major archetypes.   From the Fool, to The World, our human journey with its risk and folly unfolds. There is also an artist here alive to her new world seeking inspiration among artists on the Lower East side, learning the ways and foods of her Chinese neighbors, falling in love.