Sun 7.19.20
Thunderbeings are a race of powerful storm spirits from Algonquian mythology that live in the sky and cause thunder and lightning. They are strongly associated with birds, particularly in artwork, but may appear in legends as anthropomorphic sky-beings, giant eagles, or an intermediate form between the two, such as a bird with a human head. Thunderbeings are dangerous spirits who sometimes kill people with their powers, but they are also sworn enemies of the horned serpents and sometimes rescue people from those monsters.
To keep one’s connection to the spirit world is not for the faint of heart; it is surely another world altogether than the world we live in, operates with different laws; not human laws, but the laws of our planet, of our cosmos, of the universe. Laws that are never broken, but evolve by attrition, a wearing away by friction that eliminates what is no longer of use. This law governs human behavior but on such a macro level that one is unable to perceive it at work. We are moving farther and farther away from any understanding of our place in the spirit world, in the universe. The question was never, Why am I here, but rather, What is expected of me, in this unfathomable world that I know exists but cannot know directly.
Human society and its laws and commands are easily understood. Society demands one contribute one’s life, one’s energy to feed its purposes. To see oneself outside of this matrix is inconceivable. We no longer have Thunderbeings in our lives. There is no way to explain or even grasp the idea of electricity beyond the use we put it to. Are we part of this force that permeates our planet, that brings about great energy to feed the planet and also its inhabitants?
How does one use it? Societies throughout the planet have chipped away at the spirit world with religion, which has devolved over time into a societal mechanism of control. Be good, obey. The mask you are forced to wear on your face is emblematic of the mask you wear in your heart for a world you know exists, but you can never see. Yet we are directed by this great power. The origins of religions at one time addressed these mysteries. I am talking of the pagans, our ancestors, the Native Americans whose connection to the spirit world was based on a code of ethics that determined one’s proper engagement with the physical and spiritual world.