Uniform field Theory
In many traditions, crows are messengers and close attention is paid to their actions.
— Robert Mass
Sun 12.10.23
Below is a response to a piece by Alex Krainer of https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/alcohol-and-humanitys-evolution/comments. In it, he speaks about “paranormal” phenomena:
“You're a sweetheart for bringing up the world of "paranormal" phenomena, Sasha. We are coming out of the closet; Yes, there is another way of being, another way of seeing, a source of power. Most individuals have had psychic experiences that the scientific community shuns. I have had a similar experience as yours with alcohol. I liked having a glass of wine, only one, at end of work day, a good Bordeaux with an hors d'oeuvre, and never missed my little break. Then one night I dreant a force unknown advised me that this routine was not a good idea. That's it, I stopped the routine.
Here’s a story of an encounter I had in NYC. Summer, Friday afternoon, my work is done for the week, I’ve bathed, fixed my hair, makeup, put on a frilly dress. I am walking up Second Avenue when a young woman walks up to me and nervously states, “I felt compelled to give you my card.” The card announced her as psychic. This scene happened a number of times where I would come across another psychic and we would recognize each other as fellow paranormals instinctively. It’s a sort of attraction force that guides one to acknowledge the energy. This force, this energy is what guides us on the right path, to the right people, to the correct approach.
Einstein worked on what he called a Unified Field Theory till he died. It was an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships beween elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework. He died his work left unfinished.
The force that I speak of is real and it permeates the planet Earth. It may even permeate the cosmos. In a romantic relationship with a man to whom I was psychically connected it happened one day that his dog spoke to me. WHOA! What immediately happened is that the brain rejected this. This had not happened, but it had and came back to my conscious mind shortly. The dog did not speak in words, or out loud. The information was transmitted to me whole, an awareness of something that had happened. On some level the dog and I were connected on a fundamental basis that neither of us could understand, but were aware of and like all conversations was an attempt to cast light. The dog undoubtedly connected with me on an instinctive level. On that level I understood the message which then came to my conscious mind. Animals speak to us all the time, we have lost the ability to hear them.
This shaped my awareness, I now held information that most people refuse as impossible and somehow subversive. It’s not something most people are comfortable with. But Native American people are. At the vision quest with its four day fast, an animal presents itself as lifelong guide. Some years ago, after my own vision quest, I received a guide, that is, I became aware of Crows. What I noticed is they appeared nearby when I was about to, or in the process of taking an action, committing myself to some path. I study every encounter I have with them to read whatever signals are being transmitted; how many were there, the direction they came from, what direction they leave in. I always see the appearance of 4 crows as a very good omen. They’ve never delivered bad omens. They will goad me when I should take action and am dragging my feet, they even sought to comfort me once when I encountered bad news. A small troop of them followed me all the way home, and yes, I was comforted knowing that force was still there to guide me.
Whatever this force is it seeks my development and wellbeing. It prompts me to achieve, to get beyond the hurtle when I drag my feet. I do whatever I can to encourage this force, this awareness, stillness, meditation, connecting with earth, is woods, ocean,rivers, fields.
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Eight o'clock Sunday morning, the police arrive at her apartment in Greenwich Village, "How long have you been living here?" The roommate Elizabeth, after having accepted her half of the deposit money and rent for their new apartment, has called the police.
New York City doesn’t open its arms to welcome her, but she’s arrived and the adventure of her life is about to unfold. She’s come from Maine with an invitation from Sarah Lawrence College to participate in the graduate writing program.
How one becomes a seeress is what this memoir explores. Stories have been specifically selected to illustrate, from the sublime to the practical, a spiritual journey introduced in each chapter by an atout, the Tarot’s major archetypes. From the Fool, to The World, our human journey with its risk and folly unfolds. There is also an artist here alive to her new world seeking inspiration among artists on the Lower East side, learning the ways and foods of her Chinese neighbors, falling in love.