The other side
Crying for a Dream
Take note of your inner promptings:
A vision is gathering.
Sun 9.6.20
One day, in my first apartment on the Lower East Side in Manhattan, actually it was evening, I had a very frightening experience. I should explain that I have psychic abilities, especially with human beings, but also birds and animals. If I am in a stressful situation, or a psychically charged milieu this gift, this talent ramps up exponentially. Example: a neighbor dropped by my studio apartment one day for a visit. This man was a loose cannon, and he could be nasty, so I was not entirely comfortable with him. I don’t remember the precipitating incident that set me on edge. I believe he was challenging my character, or beliefs; I was wary. Looking at him, I realized I could hear his thoughts, word for word, delivered in the pattern of his everyday speech.
We are uncomfortable with unpredictable, uncontrollable individuals because they will expose, uncover what is hidden for a reason. Take for instance the rioters on the loose in the cities. They expose to us the vulnerability of the human psyche that, once society’s controlling chains are broken, becomes a ravenous beast destroying all in its path.
At a gathering of witches I once attended, a week-end conference, with rituals and feasts, where many women spoke about their craft; it was sort of like a catholic retreat, I beheld a woman who I could see was going to kill herself in the following year. I could see into the future, a scene in which she is killing herself. It took me a day to process this fact. Having thought it over, I decided that it was not something I should interfere in.
The societal reality-oriented world, the tonal, humans have created so controls us that only the mad can escape its bounds. This other awareness that I speak of, the nagual, is a world like the world we’ve created, but is unmalleable. It can’t be made safe as the tonal may. It can be experienced but cannot be controlled. What’s more, after you’ve had enough experiences in the nagual you lose your deeper connection to your fellow human beings, your ties to society because all the motivations that keep a person locked in to the tonal are evident and it is not pleasant to look at, or to become entangled with.
The nagual world gives you freedom. You are not responsible, you just are. The nagual world is not safe, and because it cannot be controlled it is beyond frightening. I have known about that world all of my adult life. I wasted many years trying to run away from it knowing once I acknowledged it I would lose membership in the tonal world. There is very little in that world that interests me now. But what I have is immeasurably richer, more profound. I am.
What I saw in that apartment on the Lower East Side when I looked out the window at what should have been Chinese shops, a park with beautiful old trees was instead a barren planet with jutting stone cliffs, lifeless all of it, just stone. I became so frightened by that site that I could barely control myself. Yes, that’s it exactly. I had lost control, the control that we live with all of our lives that keeps the tonal firmly in place. There is much more going on in this universe than what we allow to materialize in our daily life
The favorite essay this month has again been,The Karpman Drama Triangle