the Guide


 Sun 3.6.22,


Dear LuhrenLoup,

         Hello, I found your website by accident while I was searching for information on Shamanism.  I am interested in obtaining a reading in the future.  However, I was hoping you could answer a question of mine because I only have one.  Is there a special meaning when for one reason or another an animal seems to be taking to you?  What I'm trying to say is, what does it mean when a certain animal seems to take to you a lot and should it be investigated further?

         Besides that, how much do you charge for a reading and for how long?

 Thank you in advance for your help.



Dear Searching,

         You should consider yourself lucky if an animal has taken the trouble to connect with you.  It is a bond that will be of some benefit.  This connection is not something that can be grasped or explained intellectually.  Much effort has been spent in the scientific community to deny that connection in order to master our world.  This quest is about as hopeless as the trees trying to control the forest.   We are the earth, we are the sun, we are the animals, we are the plants.  Unfortunately we humans have lost the ability to communicate with the world around us.

         If you have ever gone hunting you become aware in short order that the damn birds actually fly ahead of you to warn animals of your approach.  My plants in NYC are thrilled by the wind's caress when I place them out on the balcony come springtime.  This need is as obvious as the human need for touch.  Both shrivel and weaken without it.  Science will come up with some good ten dollar words to explain these phenomena, but do we really know anymore after they've explained it all to us.  Not one bit.  We may have gained some moronic way of manipulating our environment which only leads us into further trouble.

         So an animal has decided to take you seriously!  You must have something going for you.  The first thing you must do is find a way to communicate with your guide.  Study this animal.  With your intellect at first.  Get books, study its characteristics, its habitat, its mating habits, its source of nourishment, its strengths, its weaknesses.  You must realize that the animal is much smarter than you and chose you because it sees its counterpart.  Be aware that the animal will gain as much from the relationship as you do.

         A word of warning, steer clear of psychological mumbo jumbo.  This is not something emanating from your unconscious.  It's really happening and it's out there not inside of you.  Next you must try to imagine yourself as that animal, call it play acting, fantasizing, but do it.  Perfect the sounds, the movements, the grunts, the hoots.  You will be strengthening your connection.  Get a picture of this animal, put it on your corkboard.  This is your totem, your ally, take it seriously, it will protect you and show you the way.

         My fees are $150 for a first session, $75 per session afterward, and $3 a minute by phone.


Be well,
