thegreat reset



Sun 3.28.21


      America and its satellites have gone mad.  It gets worse every day.  These pictures from the New York Post, tell it all.  Look at them closely because this is the fate awaiting us.  If you think for one minute that your year’s supply of stored goods and provisions is going to see you through -- as they say in the Bronx, good luck wid dat. --  When one sees mothers laying on the ground huddling with their children, it is time to speak up.  We who have blogs, or with whatever medium employed must speak up.


1.     There is no pandemic, a flu type of virus, yes, which is readily cured with proper medication, not a vaccine.

2.     There are no blacks, whites, Asians, Indians, Homosexuals, Lesbians, trans people et al. in this country to which the government should give special treatment for their benefit or wicked detriment to their harm.  There are only Americans.  No one is deserving of reparations for treatment they’ve endured.  Else we are all entitled.  All lives matter. Women do not need to be believed anymore than men do.  One has to prove their assertion.

3.     The government and the elites of the western world pit groups one against the other to maintain power and to keep us under control.  The violence you see in our country is encouraged and abetted by these folks; keeps us fearful.  People’s lives are destroyed daily by the cancel culture because they are not toeing the line.  It has become so rampant that the democrat party through its president openly states that the republican party must be destroyed.  Er, isn’t that dictatorship?

4.     Joe Biden is senile, and it is becoming worse as the weeks unfold.  He is not in charge.  He has several times called his vice-president, the president.  Whoever planned this coup has placed a puppet, no, a place holder who can be manipulated at will.  The Joe Biden of 10, 15 years ago would be horrified at what he is presently doing as president.

 5.     The US monetary system is collapsing.  It’s been coming for years.  It was aided and abetted by the folks in Washington who profited mightily, both for their particular party and their individual bank account from Wall Street and the banks.  They have made a killing from the “pandemic.” Ask the boys at Wall Street Bets.  They didn’t think Nancy’s pandemic profit was just.

6.     If all of Washington is bought and sold who’s running the show?  Did you notice when the tech brotherhood of Zuckerberg, Pichai of Google, and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey were summoned by the senate commerce committee they could barely hide their contempt for the US government.  Dorsey who is increasingly looking bizarre and scary with his Abrahamic beard and his military buzz cut hairdo was posting and requesting comment on twitter in the midst of the hearing about what was coming down.  Of the hearing he said “ [it] must be constructive and focused on what matters most to the American people: how we work together to protect elections.”  We are now in the hands of these tech CEO’s who decide what president we should want.  These men don’t seem to hold any special allegiance to the US from among the many countries they serve.

7.     If you remember, the scenario at our border presently is a replica of what happened in Europe when the US begat the Mideast wars.  Arabs were dispersed throughout Europe as so many monetary units to be shifted from one temperate zone to another for someone’s profit.  Too bad so many had to die to bring this about.

8.     The election was stolen from Donald Trump by the democrats.  The November 6 fiasco was planned by Pelosi, the FBI and the Washington bureaucracy to unravel is such a way that Trump supporters, who are a majority of the country, are now cast as domestic terrorists.  We are in semi-martial law, military control with fencing surrounding the White House and National Guard patrolling it.  Notice that no one is leaking the Biden administration plans and actions like it happened during the Trump administration. 

9.     This is the plan, It’s called The Great Reset.  The problem is it’s not a reset at all, it’s just the same old thing, on steroids.  We don’t own anything now.  We don’t own the streets, the forests, the oceans, the valleys, the mountains, the stars, the planets.  We don’t own our houses, our cars, our college degrees, we don’t even own our kids; most of it is rented, and it can all be taken away.  Look at what has happened to America’s small businesses in the past year.  The plan is to have us absolutely at their mercy.  Do I think this will happen?  No, because the people will not allow it.  Every country that’s tried this type of mass control for the greater benefit of all has failed or has had to accommodate the people’s needs and wishes.  Plus would the US with its imperial mindset and its vast weaponry, give it all up?  No more than China, which is making its bid to be top dog.

But for the time being there is hell to pay and a need to call them on what they’re doing.


The favorite essay this past month has been Lone Wolf
