Spells for winning cases


Sun 3.8.20


      You are able to take care of the cerebral stuff, look up the laws, the civil procedure rules, seek out precedent setting cases and write up your findings. But what of the personal side of going to court? 

      Emotionally, for the Pro se litigant it’s an emotional roller coaster.  Because one cares about the outcome.  Opposing attorney couldn’t care less, what he wants is to win.  For that reason he is psychologically at risk.  The last thing his ego wants is to lose to some Pro se-ing nobody; three years down the drain for what?  Some silly woman who doesn’t even know how to properly file an Order to Show Cause and add a motion creams you.  Life in the fast lane isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

      For myself, there is absolutely the roller coaster ride; I’m up, I’m down;  listening to the tape last night of the hearing/trial of a few weeks ago is very painful.  To be sure, I wasn’t expecting it, so totally unprepared.  And then the mold problem.  I’m highly allergic to it, was exposed for years.  One of the symptoms I suffer from when the exposure is strong as it is now is the loss of immediate memory, unlike short term memory which has a 15 to 30 second window, immediate memory is the thought that pops into your head – gone.  It’s impossible to string thoughts along.  At the trial, having to question a witness, I jotted down one word notes when he made his presentation and then looking at my notes when it came time to question I had no clue what they were about.

      These things happen at trials.  The unexpected pops up to confound you.  My opponent is a boxer, paf, paf, she swings that left hook, accusing you for just being alive.  She is a good match with the people who hired her.  I never noticed her attitude at trial, one is so hyped, but listening to the tapes, she is obviously out for the kill.  Style plays a part certainly, but if you don’t have the goods it is just showboating.

      The goods?  Seeing your case through the prism of logic.  A lot of what one thinks really adds to a case becomes meaningless when boiled down to what the courts call “material laws.”  Bottom line?  The universe tells you if you are on the right or wrong path.  It sends you signals all along the way.  When I first approached the Sheriff’s Dept. for them to serve opposing party there were 4 crows awaiting when I stepped out of the office.  I took that sign seriously.  And people reach out to encourage and offer help.  Some for the good, others not.  Courts are a walk in the park compared to the Spirit that rules our lives.  If your heart is not in the right place you will lose and lose badly.

The favorite essay this month has again been, Dandy
