Podcasting 101


Sun 9.23.18


      There it is, at the bottom of the page, my first podcast.  When I initially mentioned that I would make recordings, I envisioned sitting down of a afternoon reading off the page, packaging it in an mp3 and that would be it.  I am here to tell you reader, that is not the case, at all.  First you need a microphone to convey your words . . . and headphone so you can hear how it sounds as you talk along, bloopers made etc.  The microphone needs a stand unless you want hold it in hand.  I got one of those swing arm deals with a basket attachment to plop the mic in.  And then you need a pop filter for the mic, a shield that mutes alphabet letters that make a popping sound like P.

      Equipment at ready, you need a program, a piece of software in which to work on the recording.  As Mac user I can use GarageBand.  It’s not on my computer, and since I bought it on Ebay, its second buyer, Apple will not let me download it.  Back to Ebay to get GarageBand Software.  Oh gosh, this looks a little more complicated than I thought, I realize when I open up the GB program.  I find a video on Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcUBZHOljzU where Pat Flynn walks you through setting up a folder to keep the files, one for the music loops, the stats, and then the master intro mp3, the master outro mp3, the transition mp3, a graphics file, a screenshots file to keep your record rankings by iTunes and the others you send you podcasting to.

      That’s a walk in the park compared to making the record itself on GarageBand.  Music, statistics, sending it out?  After further search I become aware that podcasting is a big phenomena.  Everybody’s doing it from the mighty corporate/media ilk to the lowly moi.  We are talking professionally done little masterpieces.  My first attempts at recording are bad, very bad.  I sound like a froggy toad, My voice doesn’t isn’t the same from day to day, and I have mic fright at first. 

      One creates tracks, one after another with different aspects of the recording: a simple outline of these tracks consists of a Pre-roll where you introduce yourself, then Intro Music, easing you into the Intro, which is your introduction into the particular episode you are presenting.  The next track in The Body of your work.  Afterward, in the Post Roll you encourage your listeners to subscribe, go to your website, etc., etc.  Lastly, the Outro Music track.

      So it’s done. You’ve erased, re-recorded, jiggled the sound bars on individual tracks.  There’s a very nice tech program out there called Auphonic which for a price smoothes over your recording and gives it a professional patina.  All told, it’s been a fun experience.

      Next you will want to put it out to the podcasting sites, Apple, Stitcher, Google Play . . . In order to do that you need a podcast feed link, such as Libsyn, or BuzzSprout, who for a price will, much like a website hosting service, will host and publish your podcasts.  It’s recommended that one should wait till you’ve created and have a few recordings before going public.  Will do.  For now, it’s up on the site and my folks gets first crack.  I accept any advice you would choose to give me on it.  Thanks.  

podcasting 101.jpg
Lorraine Saint Pierre
1. Sweat Lodge Ritual
0:00 / 0:00