learn to code
David Pollot, “Glitch”
Sun 4.5.20
Earlier this week I received an email from my salon reminding me of my Wednesday appointment with my colorist. Hmm, she’s still wanting to do it? I work at home, do my necessary shopping in the neighborhood, so was not aware of how things were downtown. The buses now run on a Saturday schedule, with fewer runs, and one embarks through the back door, three rows of seats at the front have been blocked and there’s no cost for your ride.
A sign at the door to my salon informs me that they are closed for the foreseeable future. The email reminder no doubt, had been set up last month when I made the appointment. Here I was downtown with an hour to kill till the next bus. What to do? What a sad sight is the city; there is no place to sit and have coffee and a sandwich, the library is closed. Everything is boarded up tight. The few people you meet on the street are those you don’t want to get too close to. And so it goes; my neighborhood is becoming similarly afflicted. You see fear in the eyes of neighbors and a grim determination to get through this. Mask wearers increase every day. Others with a bit of flair take to wrapping scarves across their face. The guy in front of me at the market, exclaims sotto voice to no one in particular as he looks around at other shoppers in the aisles, this is crazy!
One man told me I had no right to be in the aisle he was in (?). The fear has become palpable. There are some who while staying clear of you, smile or wave a hand, as if to say, this is not personal, don’t be offended. Our new reality is permanent. We will never go back to a benign world. The capital fueling that world is collapsing.
If you read this journal on a regular basis, you undoubtedly know and accept that what is labeled reality is but a fragment of what there is existent. Times of strife force one upon oneself. How to protect oneself, what is most important to me, to those I care for? What we call society begins to crumble within. It’s all a farce, isn’t it? Pretensions? You were never truly fooled.
I believe out of this will come a better world, a stronger people, more centered, less malleable to the forces that feed on their fears. Your fears are the true commodity of our industrial world, not money. You are made to jump through hoops created by the system you inhabit, to keep itself powerful.
One’s task in life is to seek personal power, without it one is a slave to “reality,” a cog. The world is truly not what you’ve been told since birth. You have lost your connection to the living earth, the cosmos, to what protects you. You had no choice; it was taken from you. Personal power comes to one by the avenue of self respect. You are above it all, a force that seeks its own truth, that has stopped indulging, spouting meaningless slogans, that understands that word is your weapon and you must use it wisely, to express your truth. You are a warrior who will make his own path, regardless. Fear is an intrinsic part of life on planet earth, one needs to recognize it, accept it and eventually learn to shape it as catalyst to clear one’s path of obstructions.
The favorite essay this month has again been, A Live Moment