law school?


Sun 2.13.22


      I suppose I have to own up to it.  I’ve been in court for, it will be 3 years this coming spring..  Presently, in federal court, and will be shortly bounced back to state court on my eviction case.  But I still have 2 other matters in fed court to be adjudicated.  Management, where I live wants to get rid of me.  A trouble maker I believe, is what they think of me.  I’m a good tenant, that’s not what this is about.  I hold certain ideas that they see as threatening.  And their assessment is correct. 

      I on the other hand, see them as trapped.  They are the boulder that needs to be moved for light to enter.  I understand their situation, the job’s not pleasant, and somebody’s gotta pay.  Not me, I have stopped hustling for a living.  I do what I want; and as the witches say: An ye harm none, do what ye will.

Mgt. are of the traditional middle class, the people who are holding up America presently and they are not well-appreciated for it.  It’s a tough job especially in this time of turmoil.  We are all a little mad these days.  People walk around with a sort of flimsy mask on their face per order of the powers that be, some wear it even when the restrictions are lifted.  They have gone to sleep, turned off the mind, it’s not needed anymore.  Obey is the only functioning idea.  Just follow the path we have outlined for you and you’ll be OK, not always, but sometimes.

      I myself am going through a metamorphosis.  The court business started when I placed a gazebo in the yard facing my apartment, with management’s permission.  Whoa! I said when they took it away.  I took them to court.  After a while, mgt. surmised that I was not so easily threatened into submission and they set out to evict me.   I bounced their complaint to federal Court.  It’s called a Removal, but my Removal was flawed.  There followed a Remand wherein the case is bounced back to state court.  I won that eviction. 


      Mgt. did not take kindly to losing the eviction and having me around.  The solution was to make my stay uncomfortable and did some nasty stuff.

Oh yeah?  I took them to the state human rights commission.  I am now a ways off my quest for the gazebo.  The case is not moving forward because of Covid, the masks, 6 feet apart rules, and so forth.  The commission denied my complaint.  Not for want of evidence.  They don’t take every case that comes to them.  What I’ve noticed doing research on their past rulings, and even at my hearing is that they focus their attention on minorities.  It’s a self fulfilling problem solution. Eviction court is the mud wrestling parlor of justice, and state court depends solely on the type of judge you get . . . liberal, conservative, biased. Illogical.  Fed court operates at an intelligent level.

      The judge in my gazebo case was replaced by another who I knew would rule against me (a traditional middle class guy who values obedience, i.e. mgt. over laws.) What was I to do?  Why wasn’t I walking away from this?  After a few weeks of moping I decided to appeal the commission’s decision in fed court which I could for a number of reasons.  I learned I didn’t have to appeal; I could I could open the case de novo.  Mgt. did not appreciate this and I was served another eviction notice.  I, in the meantime have decided through a motion for supplemental jurisdiction to bring the gazebo case to fed court.  Let’s clear the decks, and the eviction case too.  I wrote up another Removal motion.  Mgt. was getting desperate and becoming very nasty.  They entered my home while I was sleeping to take photos.  My mail was going missing, etc., etc.

      Yesterday, I received a document from court refusing to accept my eviction case.  I was crushed.  To such a degree that I spent the next 2 and a half hours on the internet looking a political cartoons of the past year.  I did not want to deal with this blow.  It’s not about losing, because the case is so flawed I’ll eventually win.  I was upset that Judge is criticizing me – get with it lady this is the second time you bring a faulty removal case to this court. -- I’m paraphrasing, of course, but I was crushed.  I had really messed up badly.  Why was I so affected by this? . . . It’s because I’ve become enamored of the law, of the workings of justice.  I follow supreme court hearings, I am subscribed to a number of legal blogs, I get the ABA Journal.  Where am I going with this?  I don’t know.  Law school?