opening Moves
In the continuing saga of Lorraine Saint Pierre v. Management X. The court hearing was held, in attendance was opposing attorney, Ms. Stephanie Albert. She brought with her the vice president of administration at Management X.
Pro Se
I believe that citizens should be able to bring most real matters to court without counsel. They are able to, but that’s not saying much since they are not cognizant of how the court system works , the required procedures, a basic understanding of applicable law.
Timothy leary’s dead
How did fear come to dominate humans? How we got to be the human species we are today.
just spell my name right
Baby examining itself in the mirror and realizing it is a portrayal of itself will study it very closely as time unfolds. In this manner, life itself becomes a presentation.
the binary split
The memories of childhood that are most alive involve being with nature. One Christmas eve at the convent, where most kids have gone home for the holidays, our small troupe
known unknowns
Some people believe that the earth is flat, that you drop off the edge into . . . infinity, I guess. Although the whole business of earth revolving around the sun causing night and day to occur sounds like a plausible story to me, internally cohesive.
enjoy the ride
I am reading Doris Lessing’s five sci-fi book series, Canopus in Argos Archives about a future, or could even be a past, universe.
When I was a kid in boarding school sitting by the pool, watching girls execute their audacious dives into the water, I felt a tickle on my leg. A monster was crawling up my bare leg.
Grownup in the room
I’m thinking of adulthood today. How many adults do you know? Not many, I’ll bet! I consider Mother Superior at the boarding school I attended, an adult.
Our archaic ancestors’ perception of the world with its plentiful herds was undoubtedly less fearful and stress inducing than ours.
jefferson’s Bubble
Lots of talk these days about impeachment. I’ve been reading a book on Thomas Jefferson, entitled The Art of Power, by Jon Meacham.
2 degrees
I went to a social gathering for artists of all media this past Wednesday. It came about because I saw an article this summer about “Creative Portland” (...
Respect is not something this country gives much value to. One has to earn respect, it is not freely given. This concept is not true of all cultures.
Some thoughts on war as the Hawaiian Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard proposes that America end the wars. A bold proposal . .
You were never in Control
What occurs when you stumble upon a moment of clarity, when you absolutely know something of what goes on behind the curtain?
Lawyering up
On last week’s post, concerning the matter of Lorraine Saint Pierre v. Management X, Petitioner seeks the return of her gazebo and a preliminary injunction preventing X from taking it down . . .
Circles and squares
Naming the four directions forever boxed us in, which limits one's possibilities. And why choose four directions instead of a triangular set-up, or a circle? We have a need to bring order to what surrounds us, the unknown.
Lots More!
I’m on the wagon from MSM, specifically “the news” going through withdrawal symptoms. I’ve known for a while that this was coming.
Music, chants, Cadence
Last week’s topic was on how in humanity’s past, during the Paleolithic era of hunters and gatherers, humans were not split like we are; the world was not perceived as binary, black and white, good or bad
Mirror Self
Why are we not happy? Quite a lot of research has been done on the topic. We are not happy because at some point in our infanthood we were exposed to a mirror.
La danse II
What is that moment in one’s affairs when the critical door opens and there is an anxious moment standing before it?
The thing about power is that you should never use it, unless absolutely necessary. It’s like the battery in your car; if you leave your lights . . .
journey to Ixtlan
I came across a pdf book, titled The End Of All Evil. Such an unreasonable title caused me to take a peek at the purported resolution to all our problems . . .
autumn leaves
The French envision sex as a little death, a rehearsal, because the body knows, is preparing, but the treacherous mind rejects it; I will keep these very grade school friends all of my life and I will live on Oak street with my same neighbors. I will always work for . . .
Breaking through other levels of being, of seeing, I was about to add, of reality, to my list but that’s the question isn’t it; what is real? What is dream?
I’ve signed up for the Maine Law School Information Session next month. One gets to sit in on a couple of classes and then get the spiel on what a great school it is, and the benefits of having a law degree.
Fried Clams
Since coming back to Maine, I’ve been avoiding going to old familiar places where I hung out when I attended the University.
we soldier on
We are the society we have created, and we bring about its demise or crowning at will. We have created the prevailing values that rule our lives .
The all American Boy
Have you ever noticed that in order to start on a new path one must dance with the devil? A ritual in which . . . well here’s a story to illustrate:
Spirit of Man
You have noticed that the United States appears to be in the midst of a revolution, a major transformation. The country’s myth no longer binds us.