circle,square, triangle





Sun 7.12.20


      Hot and muggy summer day, temp is moving up to the big 100, I went out early morning, that is for me 10, 11 am, straightened out the garden.  It seemed a lost cause a couple of weeks ago when there was no rain.  Now little seedling stretching out their petals to the sun.  We’re in business.  I am a sucker for orderliness, the lady who arranges the items on the coffee table in a precise and geometrically balanced configuration.

      The garden with its straight rows and its flowered borders pleases for that reason.  I hate to pick the ripe vegetables because the garden which is really an altar, becomes asymmetrical.  It carries a wound.

      If you look at primitive art painted in caves, carved on stone, ornamenting tools its artists are also enamored of geometrical configurations with circles, squares, octagons, triangles, stars and, the triangle, which is featured on the dollar bill and which has become the symbol denoting conspiracy.

      Without this system we are left with chaos.  Think of the Native American Sweat Lodge ritual or Celtic stunning geometric art.  I believe we speak from our most primitive and most authentic human center at this symbolic level.  The Sweat Lodge ritual works because one enters a circle and oneself forms a circle with others participants, at center of lodge is the circle of heated round rocks.  One is naked in such a circle, naked physically and spiritually.  Think of Stonehenge with its own rituals.  I once had a dream that spoke to me of the meaning of some shapes.  It was teaching me how to understand the manner in which it communicates with me.  Whenever the symbol of the circle appears in one of my dreams my psychic energy is closing rank so to speak, I am dealing with a situation that overwhelms and on some level I am gathering and storing energy.  The rectangle, for instance, a rectangular room, indicates an imbalance.  The square is perfection, all is in order, all sides balanced.


      All of art is an altar created by the artist from his core.  He doesn’t know what will happen when he puts brush to canvass.  He may have some idea to start off, but what he produces is a surprise to him.  He didn’t know he had that in him.  The matrix we live under eschews any kind of spirituality to one’s everyday life, it’s either a party or its hell.  Hell seems to be the attitude most prevalent.  Winners are looked upon as fodder for the fire, someone who will be skewered at some point, unmasked and made to recognize hell as the only alternative..  You’ve noticed, I’m sure, that the matrix is molting of late.  Its altar has lost meaning, balance.  But you have not.  Because you have your altar on which you have placed what is most meaningful, and most profound in your understanding of life.  In the matrix you know that the mask you are made to wear is bullshit and not protecting anyone. 


The favorite essay this month has again been, Nagual
